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Supporting Through Giving

In achieving our aims, we recognise with appreciation the voluntary help given so generously by many church members and friends.

Financial support is vital but the various skills with which each of us is blessed can be put to use at services, through outreach into the community and in the administration and maintenance of church activities and premises.

If you feel able to give of your skills in any way, please speak to a Steward or email:

Financial support can be given in a variety of ways. If you wish you may give regularly through:

  • Collections at services
  • Standing orders arranged through your bank or building society. (you can view and print off a Standing Order Form here).
  • On-line donations may be made to:
    HSBC, Sort Code 40-31-05
    Account No 41836412
    Account Name St Mark’s Crescent Methodist Church.

or you can give single gifts on-line at The Giving Machine or by post to:

St. Mark's Crescent Methodist Church,
St Mark's Crescent, Maidenhead, SL6 5BQ.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can enable the church to benefit from the Gift Aid Scheme and reclaim tax from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. Please contact us to obtain a Gift Aid Form or download and print from here (pdf).

How Our Money Is Used

Our principle aim is to support the Methodist Church and its mission throughout the world and we share responsibility for Connexional and Circuit expenses, including Ministers' salaries and upkeep of their homes.

Our income has to meet the essential and rising costs of maintaining well-kept premises and allow for future expenditure on buildings and equipment to achieve our mission within the local community.

We recognise the importance of reaching out beyond our immediate needs and make regular and special donations to other charitable causes.

A Benevolence Fund, maintained by freewill offerings at Holy Communion Services, is used in emergencies, particularly for individuals in urgent need of help.

"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son,
so that everyone that believes in him may not die, but have eternal life "
John 3:16

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